Considered one of the most dynamic, “high octane” speakers in America, Harvey Alston Motivates People and Organizations to Be Their Best! Harvey is a highly interactive and spirited presenter who speaks on his personal, proven message of being the best.
Harvey Alston has been a full-time speaker since 1989. He has spoken to millions of people throughout the United States who have benefited not only from his knowledge, but also from the wisdom that Alston brings to the finish line. His unforgettable words of individual responsibility for achievement have improved spirits, spurred growth and changed lives. His powerful, soul-searching presentations uplift audiences to a higher standard and to a level where they strive only for the best. Harvey Alston believes in solitary achievement, shared accomplishment and the dignity of human beings.
Harvey’s powerful presentations on individual responsibility for shared achievement uplift audiences to a higher standard, and to a level where they strive only for the best.
He is a master communicator who believes in solitary achievement, shared accomplishment and the dignity of human beings. His words of individual responsibility for achievement have improved spirits, spurred growth, and changed lives. As an educator Alston has taught English, biology, health, life sciences and math curricula, and over the years, he has received recognition from groups such as the Ohio House of Representatives as one of Ohio’s Finest Citizens; the City of Columbus declared a Harvey Alston Day; and he was commissioned a Kentucky Colonel, among numerous national recognitions and awards.
However, none has more impact than the response from those individuals whose lives have been dramatically changed. Harvey Alston has the courage it takes to remind people that life is only what they make it, that self-respect does not come with the job, but is brought to the job by people who do the best they can do, with whatever work is available to them.
Building Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Teams
This program address the issues of today through thought-provoking presentations to address tough diversity and inclusion, leadership, and culture questions head-on. Harvey addresses the the values of courage, truth, justice, compassion, dignity, humility and service that so radiantly define character.
Also addressed are real scenarios, in-person interviews, discussion and exploration questions, exercises and instruction for an engaging and illuminating learner experience. This presentation is relevant for employees at all levels of your organization, is designed to allow all learners to “step into the shoes” of individuals with identities that are different from their own, and learn about how others can experience the same world in very different ways.
• Identities & Perspectives • Unconscious Bias • Forms of Exclusion • What You Can Do
Diversity & Inclusion presentation is your chance to increase your employees’ confidence with a topic that can often come with anxiety and tension, shape the conversation and influence outcomes within your organization to foster a workplace that unequivocally embraces diversity and inclusion at all levels.
Educational Motivation
In this program Harvey Alston provides ideas and tools so that both educators and students will be able to apply effective strategies and ideas on how to become the best; demonstrate ways to be more effective as leaders; identify school challenges and ways to handle them; develop a specific goal-setting strategy; work more effectively as members of a team; enhance their communication and listening skills; and apply effective strategies and ideas to become trailblazers.
You Are the “BEST!”
Believe in yourself and don’t hesitate to let others know that you are great! Expand your mind and continue to grow for you will always be the star of the show. Strive to achieve excellence in all that you do for God knew what he was doing when he created you. Think before you act, work before you rest, and let the world know that you are the “BEST”.
Getting Down to Business
This program was developed to help both small and large businesses get on focus and develop success guidelines for employees and management.
The Best Team Doesn’t Win Nearly As Often As the Team That Gets Along “BEST”
The areas covered are: Marketing, Attire, Skills, Interest, Visualization, Goal-Setting, Work Ethics
Be the Best
Harvey has taken his personal proven message “Be the Best” to literally millions of people. His unforgettable words of individual responsibility for achievement have improved spirits, spurred growth, changed lives. Alston’s powerful, soul-searching presentation uplifts people to a higher standard – to a level where people strive only for the BEST.
Climbing the Rough Side of the Mountain
This program is a highly interactive and spirited search for solutions, designed to provide a variety of educational experiences through the delivery of subjects on the cutting edge of team leadership. Alston will share practical skills that will enhance quality of life by reshaping lost abilities, heighten expectations, rebuild hope, confidence, self-respect and desire.
Customer Service-S.O.U.L. “Service On Unbelievable Levels”
Learn to develop strategies for the BEST customer service by planning the future of your employees. This seminar will research different delivery styles of successful businesses that have an understanding of what it takes to motivate employees.
Competent Communication
This program will build your communication skills and enhance skills for listening and identifying the obstacles to effective listening. Participants will be involved in adapting to communication within social context and adjusting the physical context of symbolic functional dimensions, as well as develop strategies for public group communication with active knowledge of verbal and nonverbal communication.
Practical Parenting
Alston discusses ways to “Know Your Child’s Interests”, “Using TV Wisely”, “ABCs of Parenting”, “Advice for Living with Pre-Teens”, “Parents Watch Your Language”, and “Discipline, a Preventive Force”.
Class Room Management
The program for student behavior, “How Well Do You Like Yourself” will teach skills for getting parents involved. The seminar content will cover strategies for developing trust, power, and rules for raising what is considered to be a delinquent child.
Code of Conduct
Start with sharing your own “credo” or “code of conduct”. Have you thought about the rules that guide your life? Do you act as a result of your parents, teachers, or friends expectations? Or do you act because you have decided what you think is right? What influences your life choices? In this exercise you will write your own “code of conduct.”
Bullying and Hazing
This program starts by asking the following questions, “What is bullying”? What is the difference between having a little fun and hazing? After discussing the responses and then sharing the answers with the group, attendees will break into smaller groups and role-play situations; afterward groups will have to come up with answers, which will be presented to the whole group.
How do you define integrity? What is honesty? Are there varying degrees of honesty? What makes a person dishonest? This workshop explores these questions, discussing the responses and then sharing the answers as a group. After the definition of integrity is discussed participants will break into smaller groups, questions will be passed out and the groups will collaborate on their answers. The results will then be presented to the whole group.
Conflict and Resolution
This session focuses on the ability to impact those around us using some of the skills learned about personal code of conduct. The group will be led through a worksheet which will teach them how to resolve conflicts. Role playing will be used to show some of the daily conflicts that people face in achieving their goals.
Excuses vs. Excellence
The participants will write down actual excuses they have used, and then break into smaller groups. The splinter groups will select a situation or problem and present the solution to the whole group. Each solution must apply to “The Test” of honesty, integrity, and the good of all and one.