CBA Speakers

AL Oliver

Al Oliver learned a lot of lessons playing baseball in the major leagues but his stories about life are what he comes back to when he goes on his motivational speaking tours.

#1 Speaker for Overcoming Adversity

Al Oliver was one of the most talented and popular Major League Baseball players of his time. Rocking an impressive nine straight seasons in a row with a .300 plus batting average, he achieved a career high of .331 to win the National League batting crown. Al Oliver learned a lot of lessons playing baseball in the major leagues but his stories about life are what he comes back to when he goes on his motivational speaking tours.

Oliver’s awards and honors received during his career include the three-time Silver Slugger Award, All-Star Team member (AL and NL, multiple), National League Player of the Month, Player of the Year, the Sporting News AL Silver Slugger Teams (multiple), and National League Championship team member (multiple). Oliver played on five division championship teams in addition to playing for the Pittsburg Pirates in the 1971 World Series, during which the team defeated the Baltimore Orioles. Achieving 21 total bases in a doubleheader (four homeruns, double and triple), Oliver established an American League record, and was inducted into the Negro League Baseball Museum’s “Hall of Game”.


TEAMWORK IN THE WORKPLACE – Company departments, divisions, and individual functions work best when every individual part compliments the good of the team. It takes everyone to function as a team to get the win. From top to bottom everyone should feel good about being there, and know that they belong. Everyone should be about to maximize their skills and talents. If you can’t pull for each other, you will never be a good team. Come together as a team and be successful. Everybody on the team should want to see each other do well.

LIFE’S A HIT – DON’T STRIKE OUT – In life, everyone is presented with many opportunities. The only way to win is to step up to the plate and make your life count. You can’t win if you don’t swing. Take advantage of the opportunities when they come your way. Everyone has to do their part. Everyone doesn’t go to the plate, and will never get a hit. You’ve got to go to the plate to get a hit. Everybody can be successful, but in order to be successful, you’ve got to give it a try. Don’t be afraid to do your best.

OVERCOMING ADVERSITY AND STILL COME UP A WINNER – Personal adversity in his life includes things like Al’s Mother died when he was 11, Dad died when he got called up to the major league, and many instances of racial prejudice. If he can make it through, so can you.

CONFIDENCE – Why is it that some people have a little dose of confidence and others seem to develop more. Al Oliver attributes his success in large part because of his extreme confidence.. hear firsthand experiences

WHERE ARE YOUR WEAKNESSES? – The path to continuous improvement starts with answering the question, “Where are your greatest weaknesses?” This takes the ability to be honest, and face the reality about what prevents you from getting the results you want. This is the first question I ask any organization. That is the starting point for improvement.

FAILURE IS NOT FATAL – If the fear of failure is preventing you from achieving your very best life, you will never get to the top of your game. Failure should not stop you, but in fact presents you with a learning experience. Don’t let failure stop you. If you fail, get up and try again.

POSITIVE ATTITUDE IN A NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENT – Is it possible to develop and maintain a positive attitude in a negative environment? It’s hard sometimes but I’ll share some of my secrets that will get you there. When negative things happen, don’t go astray. Surround yourself with positive people. Walk away from negativity every time it shows up.

HITTER OR SPECTATOR? BATTER UP! – Developing leadership skills that will get you hitting home runs every time. In this day and age of constant change, you can’t afford to sit on the sidelines. You have to get in the game and make your presence known. When it’s your turn to shine, get in the game.

EVERYBODY IS A STAR – Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t be the best you can be. Learn to develop your talents and skills to the best of your ability. You determine your own path in life. Don’t ever let anyone tell you how good or bad you can be.


After playing twenty-one years in professional baseball and eighteen of those in the Major League, Al Oliver continues his passion for helping others through his keynote speaking career.

Through his speaking , Al strives to spread his message of swinging hard to accomplish your dreams, even when life pitches you curveballs. In his book, Life is a Hit; Don’t Strike Out, Al weaves his profound storytelling and shares how anyone can achieve success.

Growing up, Al learned the meaning of self-reliance and maturity when his mother died when he was only eleven years old, leaving him to share the responsibility of caring for his two siblings with his father. In the minor leagues, anytime a ball hit the dirt Al cleverly scooped it up when it was near first base, earning him the affectionate name “SCOOP”.

Getting to the major leagues had its challenges but Al never let these obstacles slow him down and at the young age of twenty, he was called up to the Major League by the Pittsburgh Pirates on September 14, 1968. On that same day, Al’s father also passed away. Juggling the care of his young siblings and the pressure of the major league, he managed to have an incredible official rookie season, batting .285 with 17home runs and drove in 70runs, placing second in the 1969 National League Rookie of the Year voting.

As their regular center fielder in 1971, Al played an integral role in the Pirates’ World Series win against the Baltimore Orioles. Nicknamed “SCOOP”, Oliver went on to play on 7 All-Star teams and win 3 Silver Slugger Awards.

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