Jason Schechterle
A police officer trapped inside a burning vehicle, Jason suffered extreme burns to over 40% of his body, dramatically altering his appearance.
A police officer trapped inside a burning vehicle, Jason suffered extreme burns to over 40% of his body, dramatically altering his appearance. His incredible story of survival is now his calling, sharing a new perspective on life, rebirth and transformation in an event you’ll never forget.
IMAGINE looking in the mirror one day, smiling at the man in the uniform, with no way of knowing that is the last time you will ever see that face.
IMAGINE kissing your wife and kids goodbye, with no way of knowing five months will pass before you walk back through that door.
IMAGINE awakening to one of the most painful, horrifying injuries the human body can endure. The one and only injury you prayed against since your childhood. Death a possible welcome relief.
IMAGINE not wanting to trade places with anyone in this world.

This is the emotional and inspiring story of retired Phoenix Police Officer, Jason Schechterle. Growing up, Jason had one dream to serve as a Phoenix Police Officer. Inspired by his brother and the tragic loss of a local law enforcement hero, Jason worked persistently towards his dream. After serving four years in the Air Force, at the age 26, Jason achieved his goal to work on the streets of Phoenix as a rookie police officer. Then, only 14 months into what was supposed to be a life-long career, Jason’s life took an unexpected, dramatic and, at the time, tragic turn.
On the night of March 26th, 2001, a taxi cab traveling over 100 miles per hour crashed into the rear of Jason’s patrol car. Upon impact, Jason’s car burst into flames, trapping him inside with temperatures reaching over 1200 degrees.
Through a series of miraculous and fateful circumstances, Jason surprisingly survived the crash and ensuing physical and emotional catastrophe. He suffered severe burns to over 40% of his body which drastically altered his appearance. He has undergone more than 50 surgeries just to have the ability to accomplish simple daily tasks we often take for granted.
Jason’s journey chronicles his fight for life, his triumph over tragedy and the inspiration that enables him to continue to overcome unimaginable adversity. His personal narrative exemplifies that the power of the human spirit can never be underestimated or extinguished. His story is also a testament of true love and the dedication Jason and his wife have in their commitment to honor their family and the vows of marriage in good times and bad.
His story is one of life, rebirth and transformation. Jason represents the human experience at its very best – an ascent from despair to describing himself as the luckiest person alive!

Growing up, Jason had one dream – to serve as a Phoenix Police Officer. Inspired by his brother and the tragic loss of a local law enforcement hero, Jason worked persistently towards his dream. After serving four years in the Air Force, at the age 26, Jason achieved his goal to work on the streets of Phoenix as a rookie police officer. Then, only 14 months into what was supposed to be a life-long illustrious career, Jason’s life took an unexpected, dramatic and, at the time, tragic turn.
At 11:01pm, on the fateful night of March 26, 2001, Jason Schechterle, then a Rookie City of Phoenix Police Officer was stopped at a red light. The dispatcher calling out over his squad car, Jason in the line of duty began to respond to a possible nearby homicide. As Jason waited for the light to turn green, suddenly and unexpectedly, his Crown Victoria was struck from behind by a taxi cab driver whose car was exceeding 100 miles per hour. Jason’s car instantly burst into flames, and he sat strapped and trapped in his vehicle, burning alive in raging flames that exceeded over 1000 degrees.
Crews worked feverishly to save his life, putting their own lives and risk, and after 8 long minutes, Jason was freed, only to discover that over 50 percent of his body had been engulfed in the flames. He had no skin, no face, and no resemblance of the man that once was remained.
After arriving at the hospital, Doctors worked for over 7 hours to save Jason’s life. No physician believed Jason would make it through the night. He was covered in 3rd and 4th degree burns throughout his face and torso to the point that his own wife and best friend found him unrecognizable. He survived the night, and lay in a coma for 2 ½ months… and the prognosis to live much less fully recover was grave. He was never expected to talk, walk, regain his sight and function as he once had.
52 surgeries later, surrounded by tremendous love, faith and a resilient will to live, Jason began his long and painful recovery. Ten years later, through a series of big and small miracles, Jason now travels the country serving as a motivational speaker, sharing his story of hope and optimism. Today, Jason lives in Phoenix, Arizona with his wife and 3 wonderful children and describes himself as the Luckiest Man Alive!