CBA Speakers

Ann Dolin

Ann Dolin is a former Fairfax County, VA public school teacher with over 20 years of teaching and tutoring experience.

Ann Dolin, a recognized education coach, speaks extensively on education-related topics and is available to speak to parents and teachers throughout the Metropolitan D.C. area. Ann is known for her engaging and informative approach while addressing students, faculty and parents on the most important topics related to today’s educational programs.

Many families deal with the daily stress of homework. Arguments and battles with your child rarely conclude with a winner and your relationship with your child suffers. Ann Dolin M.Ed., a recognized expert in education and learning disability issues helps to eliminate the homework stress.



EDUCATION …. Tips, Tools, and Solutions for Stress-Free Homework
Homework time has become increasingly longer and tedious, straining already stressed-out families. So often, students exhibit six common, yet challenging homework problems: Disorganization, Rushing, Procrastination, Avoidance, Inattention, and Frustration. In this presentation, parents will learn how to help their children tackle these obstacles in order to transform evenings wrought with tension to a time of success and harmony.

Five Proven Strategies for Raising an Academically Successful Student: Create and Maintain Study Habits That Boost Achievement
Raising a successful student doesn’t happen by chance. Savvy parents know that they must be engaged and proactive in their child’s education. But what does the research say about traits that these parents possess? This workshop delves into the 5 most important things parents can do to raise a happy and successful child.

Organizing for School Success: Ten Powerful Solutions for Organizing Time and Materials
In our competitive society, it takes more than innate intelligence to make the grade. Students these days need to be highly organized and efficient, not just with their materials, but with their time as well. Learn 10 easy, yet highly effective ways to help students become more organized and productive.

College Entrance Exams – SAT vs. ACT: Understanding the Differences Between the SAT and ACT and Which is Best for Your Student
High stakes testing is more important than ever. The first step to college entrance is a competitive score on the SAT or ACT, but knowing which test fits the needs of any one student is tricky. Learn how to determine which test is the best for your child and proven strategies to help him or her earn the best score possible.

Full Biography

Ann Dolin is a former Fairfax County, VA public school teacher with over 20 years of teaching and tutoring experience. Ann’s undergraduate degree is in Child Psychology with Teacher Certification for grades 1-8. She received her M.Ed. in Special Education from Boston College and now resides in Northern Virginia with her husband and two children. After leaving Fairfax County Schools in 1998, Ann founded Educational Connections Inc. as its only employee with the goal of providing individualized one-to-one instruction based on each student’s learning style. Today, her company employs over 150 tutors, serves the metropolitan D.C. area, and has worked with over 4,000 students.

Ann is a recognized expert in education and learning disability issues. She sits on the board of CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder) and the International Dyslexia Association. She has delivered hundreds of presentations focusing on academic achievement and parenting issues. Ann is also the author or the newly released book Homework Made Simple – Tips, Tools and Solutions for Stress-Free Homework.

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