CBA Speakers

Alex Sion

With over 18 years of experience in business, technology and marketing strategy for financial services firms, Alex Sion is poised to become one of the industry’s greatest disruptors.

With over 18 years of experience in business, technology and marketing strategy for financial services firms, Alex Sion is poised to become one of the industry’s greatest disruptors.

As an advisor on digital strategory and disruption to global financial leaders such as HSBC, Citi, Bank of Montreal, Bank of Scotland and Barclays, Alex is one of the leading voices in the financial services industry.

Alex is a recognized thought leader, speaker and panelist in the financial services space. He has spoken at large financial services conferences such as American Banker, BAI, Finnovate, Forrester Customer Experience Form, and Association of Financial Technologies. He has also spoken at global leadership forums and executive summits for firms such as: Toronto Dominion, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Bank of Montreal, Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays, Regions Bank, and BBVA.

Something You Can Bank On

5 Predictions for the Next Five Years in Retail Banking The retail banking industry is at a key turning point. The cost of managing customers through massive branch networks is outstripping many banks’ ability to generate profits.Meanwhile, a jaded consumer base increasingly interacts with their banks through virtual channels.

Ultimately, these two forces will lead to new distribution models, customer experience platforms, crowd-sourced business models and other game-changing innovations that will redefine the banking industry.In this session, Alex Sion, President of Movenbank, will share his predictions for the next five years in retail banking, and his recommendations for what financial institutions must do in order to stay ahead of the curve.

How to Gather $100B in assets over Twitter

Reaching the Next Gen Affluent

For the Baby Boomer generation, affluent service was a combination of high-touch & high class: a personal banker, exclusive events, mahogany furniture and plush carpets. For Generation X, the first group to grow up in the digital and internet age, affluent morphed to include some degree of empowered self-direction and access. For generations growing up today where digital, internet, social and mobile are the norm…what will “affluent service” mean to them? What impact do these changing expectations have on the future of retail financial services: both banking and brokerage/wealth management?

In this session, Alex Sion, President of Movenbank, will share his perspective on the changing needs and perceptions of the affluent consumer. He’ll also explore the direct implications on the marketing, distribution, sales and service models for serving affluent customers. Answering questions like :

• Do mobile and social matter? How & Why?
• What does “financial planning” look like in a mobile and social world?
• What is the future role of the financial advisor?
• How to make money and win with the mass affluent customer?

Innovation: No Country for Old Men?

Who says that you have to be under the age of 30 and single to launch a start up? Who says that having 2 kids, a wife and a mortgage prohibits you from taking a hard left turn at the point in your career where you should begin to coast and rest on your laurels? Who says that disruption and innovation are the privileged territories of the young, brash and idealistic with little to loose?

In this session, Alex Sion, President of Movenbank, will share his experiences in launching one of the most innovative and disruptive firms in the U.S. start-up community. Movenbank is using mobile payments, social and big data to transform the way people think about money and everyday banking. But in order to launch Movenbank, Alex had to first transform his ideas about career, life, and the meaning of success. Learn about and be inspired by the story of the journey.

Why you can’t innovate your way out of a paper bag

What does it take to drive innovation in perhaps the most stubbornly conservative of all industries: Banking? First, you need a vision of the future. Second, you need the courage and confidence to re-write things that have been written in stone and to get those stones thrown at you. Third, you need to forget everything you know, then stop…look…and listen.

In this session, Alex Sion, President of Movenbank, will talk about the process of disruption and innovation within the context of the Movenbank journey. How did the idea of Movenbank “happen”? How did an idea become a concept? How did a concept organize into a team that embarked on a mission to re-invent perhaps the biggest industry of all? And how did that idea get “sold”? — to the market, to investors, to customers, and to the team itself?

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