Karyn Buxman

Karyn Lynn Buxman, RN, MS, CSP, CPAE, publisher of The Journal of Nursing Jocularity, possibly the funniest nurse on the planet. She is also a serious researcher into the practical applications of humor into life and business. Karyn’s mission is to nurse nurses through humor. The core of her business is helping organizations honor and celebrate their nurses. Karyn addresses thousands of nurses every year, delivering a message that inspires them, and reminds them why they entered the profession in the first place. Karyn also addresses business and general audiences. She knows humor, healthcare, and personal success. She delivers inspiring life lessons in a fun, laugh-out-loud kind of way that is powerful, practical and memorable.

Clients include the Mayo Clinic, Press Ganey, Joint Commission, and hundreds of hospitals and healthcare/nursing associations. Karyn’s powerful message and engaging personality have led to her appearances on national and regional TV shows in conjunction with her speaking tours. She is also a frequent radio guest and resource for the print media. She has appeared in professional journals-such as the American Journal of Nursing and Nursing Spectrum-and in lay magazines such as Marie Claire, Shape, and Woman’s World. Karyn is a humor specialist and an accomplished platform speaker. She is one of 114 inductees-including only 29 women-in the Speaker Hall of Fame. And she is the 2009-2111 president of the Association of Applied & Therapeutic Humor.

Karyn’s writing talent is evident in her contributions to Chicken Soup for the Nurses’ Soul, and Humor Me: America’s Funniest Humorists on the Power of Laughter. Karyn also authored This Won’t Hurt a Bit!-And other Fractured Truths in Healthcare, and most recently, Amazed and Amused: Survive and Thrive as a Healthcare Professional.


For Healthcare
• Amazed & Amused: How to Survive & Thrive as a Healthcare Professional
• This Won’t Hurt a Bit–And Other Fractured Truths in Healthcare
• I’m The Leader—Which Way Did They Go?
• I’ve Got One Nerve Left –and You’re Standing on It
• I Know You Think You Understood What You Thought I Said
• It’s Always Something
• The Service Prescription: Healthcare the Way It Was Meant to Be

For Corporate
• Amazed & Amused: Strategies of the Sane & Successful
• You Can’t Afford Not to Laugh: Humor as a Serious Business Strategy
• I’m The Leader—Which Way Did They Go?
• I’ve Got One Nerve Left –and You’re Standing on It
• I Know You Think You Understood What You Thought I Said

On Women’s Issues…
• Amazed & Amused: How to Survive & Thrive as a Woman Today
• Laughing Your Way to More Money, Better Sex, & Thinner Thighs
• I’ve Got One Nerve Left –and You’re Standing on It

Full Biography

Meet Karyn Buxman, RN, MSN, CSP, CPAE. (CSP—Certified Speaking Professional—means she speaks a lot. CPAE—Council of Peers Award for Excellence—means her peers think she’s really, really good! Karyn transitioned from nursing to speaking when she realized she didn’t have to put in 12-hour shifts, didn’t have to handle body fluids, and did get standing ovations.

Through her 20 years of research and experience—along with Patch Adams and neuroscientist researchers—she’s concluded that humor is funny and oh, it can help lead an audience toward a positive, healthy and happy life.

Karyn’s audiences are diverse.
In one month she spoke for the Mayo Clinic, Pfizer, the Association for Operating Room Nurses, the Airforce, and the Million Dollar Round Table! Her clients hire Karyn to entertain, educate and inspire their audiences over and over again. Karyn has addressed thousands of audiences around the world, to groups from 10 to 10,000. Whether it’s healthcare, corporate, education, government, or associations, Karyn’s inspirational, entertaining, and practical message brings audiences to their feet.

“It ain’t braggin’ if it’s so!”
Karyn is very involved in her topic area. She has received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor. She serves on the advisory boards of the Invisible Disabilities Association, the American Happiness Association and NurseTogether.com. And she is the co-founder of World Laughter Tour.

If writing burned calories, Karyn would be a size 2.
She is a contributing author of several Chicken Soup books, a co-author of The Service Prescription: Healthcare the Way It Was Meant to Be, and author of Amazed & Amused: How to Survive and Thrive as a Healthcare Professional. She is the creator, author, and publisher of the multiple book series: What’s So Funny About…? and the publisher of the Journal of Nursing Jocularity, the only humor magazine by nurses for nurses.

The media loves Karyn’s wit and wisdom.
Karyn has appeared in many magazines such as Women’s Day, Shape, Marie Claire, and Investor’s Business Daily as well as professional journals such as AJN, AORN, AACN, and Journal of Psychosocial Nursing. She is a frequent radio and television guest.

Karyn’s mission in life:
To improve global health through laughter and to help heal the humor-impaired.

Expertise:  Authors | BUSINESS | HEALTH / WELLNESS | Healthcare | Healthcare Medical Nursing Pharmaceutical | Humor | Spouse Programs | Stress Management | Teamwork | Women’s Issues